Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Citing an Online Video with Chicago Footnote Referencing

Citing an Online Video with Chicago Footnote Referencing Citing an Online Video with Chicago Footnote Referencing From TED Talks to e-courses, platforms like YouTube offer a lot of educational resources these days. You can even use them when researching a college paper. But how do you cite an online video in academic writing? In this post, we explain how this works with Chicago footnote referencing. Citing an Online Video in a Footnote In Chicago referencing, you cite a source with a superscript number in the text. These numbers point to footnotes. For an online video, the information required in the first footnote include: The citation number Subject or creator name (e.g., the presenter or writer) The words â€Å"interviewed by† and the interviewer’s name (if applicable) Video title in quote marks Video format and length Name of uploader (if different from creator) Date of upload URL Date of access (if required by your institution) Timestamp for part of video cited (if applicable) You might not be able to find all this information. However, as long as you provide enough detail to identify the source and where it can be found, you’ll be fine. For instance, we could cite a TED Talk by Kate Darling like this: 1. Kate Darling, â€Å"Why we have an emotional connection to robots | Kate Darling,† YouTube video, 11:51, TED, November 6, 2018,, 6:26. Here, we’ve clearly identified the video, where it can be found, and the relevant part of the video. If we then cited the same video later, we would use a shortened citation format to prevent repetition. Reference List Any videos cited in your paper should also appear in the reference list at the end of the document. The information to include here is similar to the first citation. However, the punctuation is slightly different, and the creator’s names should be inverted. For example: Darling, Kate. â€Å"Why we have an emotional connection to robots | Kate Darling.† YouTube video, 11:51. TED. November 6, 2018. Putting the surname first allows you to sort the reference list by author surname. As shown above, moreover, you do not need to include a pinpoint citation in the reference list, unlike footnotes.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Ten Tips for Reporters Who Are Covering Accidents and Natural Disasters

Ten Tips for Reporters Who Are Covering Accidents and Natural Disasters Accidents and disasters – everything from plane and train crashes to earthquakes, tornadoes and tsunamis – are some of the hardest stories to cover. Reporters at the scene must gather information under very difficult circumstances, and produce stories on very tight deadlines. Covering such an event requires all of a reporter’s training and experience. But if you keep in mind the lessons youve learned and the skills youve acquired, covering an accident or a disaster can be a chance to really test yourself as a reporter, and to do some of your best work. So here are 10 tips to keep in mind. 1. Keep Your Cool Disasters are stressful situations. After all, a disaster means something horrible has happened on a very large scale. Many of the people at the scene, especially victims, will be distraught. It’s the reporter’s job in such a situation to keep a cool, clear head. 2. Learn Fast Reporters covering disasters often have to take in a lot of new information very quickly. For instance, you may not know much about planes, but if you’re suddenly called upon to help cover a plane crash, you’re going to have to learn as much as you can – fast. 3. Take Detailed Notes Take detailed notes about everything you learn, including things that seem insignificant. You never know when small details might become critical to your story. 4. Get Plenty of Description Readers will want to know what the scene of the disaster looked like, sounded like, smelled like. Get the sights, sounds and smells in your notes. Think of yourself as a camera, recording every visual detail you can. 5. Find The Officials in Charge In the aftermath of a disaster there will usually be dozens of emergency responders on the scene – firefighters, police, EMTs, and so on. Find the person who’s in charge of the emergency response. That official will have the big-picture overview of what’s happening and will be a valuable source. 6. Get Eyewitness Accounts Information from emergency authorities is great, but you need to also get quotes from people who saw what happened. Eyewitness accounts are invaluable for a disaster story. 7. Interview Survivors – If Possible It’s not always possible to interview survivors of a disaster immediately after the event. Often they’re being treated by EMTs or being debriefed by investigators. But if survivors are available, try your best to interview them. But remember, disaster survivors have just survived a traumatic event. Be tactful and sensitive with your questions and general approach. And if they say they don’t want to talk, respect their wishes. 8. Find The Heroes In nearly every disaster there are heroes who emerge - people who bravely and selflessly jeopardize their own safety in order to help others. Interview them. 9. Get The Numbers Disaster stories are often about numbers - how many people were killed or injured, how much property was destroyed, how fast the plane was traveling, etc. Remember to gather these for your story, but only from reliable sources - the officials in charge at the scene. 10. Remember The Five W’s and the H As you do your reporting, remember what’s critical to any news story – the who, what, where, when, why and how. Keeping those elements in mind will help to ensure that you gather all the information you need for your story. Read about writing disaster stories here. Return to Covering Different Kinds of Live Events